Saturday, September 20, 2014 in cahoots with Cheats!

[Collecting from the Wordpress page]

In continuation with my trysts with ShopClues, where having received a fake product, I had raised the issue to their senior management, who couldn't care less.

By chance, I had marked the mail to the support team as well, and they at least responded. Their response however, was completely unexpected and quite surprising.

I had not expected them to take ownership of the fake product and start claiming that it was the original product as advertised. This is despite the fact that you can see multiple users raising the same issue on their own pages.

Buyers who caught the fakes
 Buyers who caught the fakes

The fact that they have ignored responding to the 12 points of differences that I had pointed out to them, appears to be out of some iota of shame.

I forwarded the response to the management team, not hoping for an answer, but by way of giving them a head-up that I will be sharing this in the public forums.

This is the actual response I had received from the support team:
On 16 Sep 2014 11:16, "" <> wrote:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request (#1096064) has been solved. To reopen this request, reply to this email or click the link below:

ShopClues Support, Sep 16 11:16 AM:
Dear Rahul,

Thank you for shopping with

This is with reference to your order no. 19721865.

We express our inability to accept your return request as we have sent you the same product ordered by you. Please refer to for return policies. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

For further assistance, kindly refer to

Best Regards,
Customer Support Team

Rahul Raj, Sep 12 09:04 PM:
There has been no response from your end.

Do let me know if you are handling this, else I will look for resolution
through other channels.

The legal team that we retain at our organisation has advised that I raise
a simple consumer court complaint against your firm under the relevant
sections as the more appropriate as well as more effective course of
action. This is being suggested in conjunction with a release of the
information to media channels which may help others individuals who may
have faced the similar issues and also to bolster the claim against you.

I intend to heed their advice in case your team chooses not to respond in
the next 1-2 days.

Rahul Raj

With righteous indignation I responded back to the support team challenging them to respond to the points of differences I had shared:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rahul Raj <What_you_expect_this_to_be @Gmail>
Date: Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [] Re: Fake item sold by (Re: Fwd: complaint : Web page error)
To: "" <>

How is it the same product as ordered???.!!! :
1. It is not 9000 mAh capacity as advertised
2. Original accessories as mentioned are not provided
3. Weight of original (as mentioned on your page and also on Samsung product page) was 265 grams, thus us under 150 grams
4. The product code mentioned on back is not a Samsung original code. So it is not an original Samsung product, or even one manufactured by Samsung  authorised original equipment manufacturer

Explain again how this is the same product as ordered?

Don't expect me to take a case of cheating lying down.

Understand that I am Insisting on providing me the product that was mentioned on the page, and no other. I have not asked for refund as yet.

Confirm back on priority

Rahul Raj

This was followed by silence from the support team. For people who have read the other posts, this would not come as a surprise, but a pattern definitely emerges: Every time there is a difficult question to answer, the team takes on the vow of silence. मौनम सम्मति लक्षणम?? (Sanskrit: Silence signifies agreement)

I forwarded the mail to the senior team at ShopClues, just so they could not feign ignorance on a later date. BTW, I have not received any bounces from any of these mailboxes so the IDs are definitely up and running.

From: Rahul Raj <What_you_expect_this_to_be @Gmail>
Date: Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [] Re: Fake item sold by (Re: Fwd: complaint : Web page error)


This is the kind of response your team has sent after I sending a 12 point list of how the product delivered is not the same as the kind advertised, committed and contracted.

Do note that this claim of the Product being "same" despite the differences being pointed out, has come on behalf of and not some third party vendor. The vendor has not contested that it is fake, it is which is making this claim after being made aware and with full knowledge of the deviations and thus is the principal party and may no longer be covered under the agency definition/covenants.

Rahul Raj

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